Welcome to Portlethen Tennis Club!Portlethen Tennis Club is an informal, friendly club. Anyone is welcome to join - beginner or experienced player; junior or adult. We play on the two tennis courts adjacent to the Bourtree Pavilion, close to the Green shopping centre at the south end of Portlethen. Activities include tennis coaching, for both juniors and seniors, monthly social tournaments, league matches, club championships and open sessions where members can just turn up and play. The courts have floodlights, enabling us to play into the evenings, and an all weather surface, suited to our damp and unpredictable climate. WHEN DO WE PLAY?If you join the club you will receive a key to the courts and a personal membership card with details of the club playing times and activities. For full details of what's on offer see the court timetable. Here's a summary. For adults:
For juniors:
Club sessions are the times when you can expect to find other members on court to play with. Open sessions indicate times when the courts are reserved for Portlethen Tennis Club members. You should arrange your own playing partner(s) at these times. On the first Sunday morning of each month, we hold an American Tournament. These are friendly events, open to all senior and student members, whatever their standard of play. To even things up, partnerships are picked out of a hat and halfway through each match couples swap partners so that each person plays half the games with their partner and the other half against him or her. It's great fun and a good opportunity to meet other members and have some entertaining games of tennis. The courts are reserved for junior members, 4-6 pm, Mon - Fri. Outwith the coaching classes, junior members can simply turn up and play at these times.No booking is necessary but, when the courts are busy, they are expected to play fair and ensure no-one is left sitting on the sidelines for long. |
COACHINGDetails of our current coaching classes are given below. Space permitting, the classes are open to non-members as well as members so, if you are a junior interested in learning to play tennis or an adult thinking of taking it up again after a break, why not come along to the coaching classes to start with and join later, once you've found out what fun it is?
Coaching ClassesUpdate 30 March 2023: As yet, nothing has been arranged, due to a shortage of coaches in the area. We hope to be able to offer some coaching classes later in the season. Details will be posted here and on our FaceBook page.
COURT BOOKINGOutwith the times reserved exclusively for Tennis Club play, the tennis courts are open to the general public. These times include 9am - 4pm, Monday, Tuesday and Friday, 1-4pm on Wednesday, 7-10pm on Fridays and Saturday mornings. For further details, see the court timetable. To book a court during one of these periods:
To members of the public there is a charge for playing on the courts but Portlethen Tennis Club members can play free of charge - you will be asked for your name and membership number when making a booking. Outwith these times the tennis courts are open to the general public and may be booked through Portlethen Swimming Pool |
COMPETITIONS and MONTHLY TOURNAMENTSLeague matchesFor those who enjoy competitive play, we have a ladies and a gents team in the Aberdeen and District Leagues. Matches are played on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and match practice sessions on Monday evenings for the ladies and Sunday mornings for the gents. Club ChampionshipsThroughout the summer we run a knockout tournament, culminating in the Club Finals Weekend at the beginning of September. While the singles can be quite serious, the doubles are more light-hearted - partnerships are chosen by a random draw, pairing weaker players with stronger ones. Entry details are on the membership form. Further details . . . American Tournaments and the Alan Tait TrophyOn the first Sunday morning of each month, we hold an American Tournament. These are friendly events, open to all senior and student members, whatever their standard of play. The scores in these tournaments also go towards the Alan Tait Trophy which is awarded at the end of the season to the player with the highest total score. Further details . . . |
HOW TO JOINTo apply for membership, simply fill in this online application form: Fees can be paid either by cheque or online bank transfer; the application form will provide further details. Once we have received both form and payment, you will be sent your membership card and court key.
If you would prefer to fill in a paper form and make your application by post, then you can download and print this version of the form: LTA MembershipMembers of Portlethen Tennis Club are entitled to join the LTA (Lawn Tennis Association) free of charge. LTA membership offers a number of benefits including the chance to buy Wimbledon tickets; a monthly e-newsletter; and discounts on tickets for a number of international events. For further details visit the LTA website (The relevant category of membership is Advantage Play+ ). Portlethen Tennis Club encourages members to join the LTA and become part of the national tennis community. We look forward to seeing you on the courts! |
© Portlethen Tennis Club
Bourtree Park, Portlethen